Natalie Susi

Personal Coaching


This Program is a Perfect Fit If You...

  • Are tired of reliving, replaying, and repeating the same old stories that keep you stuck and feeling negative
  • Want to get clear on the beliefs, triggers, and patterns that are holding you back
  • Feel stuck in some area of your life and want to get unstuck
  • Are suffering from a “ditch moment” (or crisis moment) and want to step out of it
  • Feel ready and inspired to start working on a vision, dream, or idea and want guidance navigating next steps
  • Feel ready to start living your soul’s mission and want guidance navigating how and where to start
  • Are tired of feeling depressed or anxious and want a daily practice to help you live a happier life
  • Are a creative or service provider and want to create and launch your brand
  • Are a creative or service provider and want to make a living doing only what you love to do

Get out of a "Ditch" Moment

Are you feeling depressed, defeated, frustrated, or confused right now? You might be having a “Ditch Moment.” “Ditch Moments” is a phrase I created to describe those dark moments in life where we feel like we’re in a ditch and we don’t how we got there, how far down it goes, or how we will ever get back up. If this sounds familiar, I can help. I have been where you are, and I have created a system for popping out of these ditches as a better, stronger, more enlightened version of yourself. While they suck in the moment, Ditch Moments are actually huge growth opportunities that have the potential to catapult you to a whole new level in your life, career, and in your relationships once you pop out of them. The key is to recognize how you got there and implement the daily practices that help you shift your mindset, so you can step out of the ditch with more insight, awareness, and mastery of the lessons you were supposed to learn. Life is not about avoiding the ditches. Life is about popping out of them faster each time you end up in one.

Feel Happy & Create Your Dream Life

Do you want to feel happier every day? Do you want to learn how to shift your negative mindset to a positive one? Do you need an accountability partner to help you achieve your goals, so you can live your dream life? I can help. I spent the last 3 years teaching a course called “The Pursuit of Happiness,” and my program will help you do the following, so you can get unstuck and start living your happiest, most fulfilling life every single day. Uncover the limiting beliefs, triggers, and patterns that keep you stuck Reprogram your subconscious with empowering beliefs that will help you get what you want, whenever you want Assess every area of your life and create a vision for how your ideal, dream life will look Create practical and intentional goals to help you get clear on exactly what you want in your life Put a game plan in place to achieve your goals in the most efficient and effective way NOW

Make a Living Doing What You Love

Do you have a talent, gift, or service that you want to share with the world, but you don’t know how to get started, how to market, brand, or how to actually make money doing what you love? I can help. I’ve launched many people just like you. One of my soul missions on this planet is to help people follow their soul mission and actually make a living doing it. While I love working with product-based companies, I have a special affinity for service providers and creatives who want to launch their personal brand, gain more clients or fans, and/or update their current brand and portfolio of services. I love empowering people to use their unique skills and talents to create a successful, lucrative career doing what they are most passionate about in this world.

My Story. My Education.

I learned most everything I know about personal development coaching through a process of– living through my own  experiences, finding the best teachers, tools, and strategies to navigate through these experiences in the most productive way, and then reflecting on how I could learn and grow from the unhappy moments and how I could start to create more of the happy moments.

I always say I’m a teacher by trade and by heart. Teaching is what I’m meant to do on this planet, however, I was also fascinated with starting my own business. When the CA budget cuts made it challenging to find a teaching position and easier to start a business, I decided to take the risk, and began my entrepreneurial journey.

In the 8 years it took to create, build, and sell my company, I lost a boyfriend, a best friend, all of my life savings, and all 3 of my mediocre jobs that were keeping  my life and business afloat. In one month, my entire life fell apart and turned upside down. I was experiencing what I now call a major “ditch moment.”

I recognized that I needed to start exploring how I had landed there and what exactly I was going to do to climb out of the ditch and step into a better, stronger version of myself.

I became fascinated with human behavior and psychology and personal development concepts like how to recognize your blind spots, overcome your limiting beliefs, and step out of your ditch moments. I wanted to learn everything I could about why we do what we do, how our experiences shape our reality, how our brain functions, and what motivates us from a mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical perspective. I went down the personal development rabbit hole– learning from books, videos, weekend seminars and retreats. I also worked with many healers, therapists, mentors, and coaches– all with the intention of learning the foundational knowledge that would allow me to create my own methods for teaching this content to people who want to experience quick shifts and massive growth and change in their life.

“In this process of self-discovery, I learned that ALL of my moments of suffering lead back to the same root cause– the stories I was telling myself.

I had created a bunch of fear-based stories about myself, my life, and what I was capable of doing (or not doing). The main characters were all of my own limiting beliefs, triggers, and patterns, and they were causing me to retell and relive the same storylines over and over again.

“I began to see that in every old, negative story, there is an opportunity for a rewrite– to find the value, the lesson, and the positive outcomes, instead of just retelling the same old version.”

We can choose to rewrite our past. We can choose to shift our perspective. And, then we can choose to start writing a whole new chapter.